Your business is unique, and so are its needs.

We are a full range service and hardware provider of tailored communication solutions to meet your business's needs.

Our Approach

We are an unbiased turn-key solution provider with your best interests at heart, meaning you can be assured you always get the best benefit at the best prices.

With over 30 years of industry experience, our connections provide us with the variety of telecommunication products needed to specifically cater to your business needs.

Our Services

Our Partners

  • Avaya Logo
  • NEC Logo
  • Oki Logo
  • Panasonic Logo


  • With over 30 years of industry experience, we boast strong connections with industry leaders such as NEC, AVAYA and Panasonic to provide a wide range of telecommunications products. With this variety, we are able to find a boutique solution for your business.

  • Of course, we provide our own technicians who will not only setup our products for your workplace but maintain them as well. Our clients can be satisfied in knowing C.T. Agency has technicians in their area who are able to swiftly respond to outages or technical problems regarding their telecommunication products.

  • Absolutely, we’re able to evaluate your business’s strategic needs and develop a new configuration for your workplace which will provide a drastic upgrade from your existing solution as well as provide extremely competitive recurring and upfront costs.

  • We understand the national transition to NBN can be extremely scary, especially considering the disruptions it can incur on your business’s day-to-day operations. For this reason we are able to handle the entire technical process ensuring you only notice the benefits of your transition to NBN.